lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

World Events 1990 to 1999

1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf divisions across Iraqi military action in a lightning its southern border and within a few hours occupying Kuwait bloody specifying the threat of territorial claims anticipated by its leader U.S. placed in Earth orbit by the shuttle Discovery Hubble Space Telescope, for the first time it is possible to obtain high-resolution images of deep space.

1991 Gulf War Iraq is attacked and defeated by a multinational coalition led by U.S. and Britain running a United Nations mandate in retaliation for its invasion of Kuwait which is released. Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web, using three new resources: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and a client program, called Web browser.

1992 Space Cooperation Russia and U.S. sign an agreement of joint cooperation for space exploration. In Argentina in a very serious attack was blown up the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. In Russia, for the first time in 75 years, the Orthodox Church celebrates a Mass with the permission of the State.

1993 Conflict in Chechnya Russia intervened militarily in Chechnya engaged in a separatist conflict. Bombing the World Trade Center. Slaughter in Waco (USA). After nearly 500 years, a new version of the catechism is presented by the Catholic Church. The Vatican and Israel established for the first time full diplomatic relations

1994 Nelson Mandela president Nelson Mandela is president of South Africa. In South America, Argentina is again the target of terrorism, the bombing of the Jewish mutual AMIA produces nearly 100 dead in one of the most serious attacks in its history. In Rwanda clashes between Hutu and Tutsi communities to acquire characteristics of an attempt at ethnic cleansing show a balance of 1,000,000 dead in less than three months of uncontrolled violence.

1995 Asesinan to Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin of Israel was assassinated in Tel Aviv by a Jewish extremist ultranationalist to withdraw from a public event for peace. Oklahoma Bombing. In U.S. continue the terrorist attacks of postcards known as Unabomber.

1996 Mal of mad cow disease in England official recognition of the risks caused by consumption of beef and derived from animals affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease results in a serious crisis sectoral and serious tensions within the European community. A suicide attack with a car bomb against a U.S. military base in Dahran (Saudi Arabia) caused 19 deaths and nearly 400 wounded.

1997 Teresa of Calcutta Mother Teresa, religious Catholic, founder of the religious congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, died in India on 5 September 1997 between those who loved and served together in their grief from the most remote corners of the world. Three years later began the process for his beatification. Death of Lady Di In France tragically died in Princess Diana Spencer, Lady Di's death along with his Egyptian promised Doddy Al Fayed and their chauffeur occurs when the vehicle hit the lead in the Alma tunnel in downtown Paris . The devastating

1998 Hurricane Mitch devastated Central America is by Hurricane Mitch, the worst in decades, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua are the countries most affected, victims whose real number may never be known beyond a balance in the unofficial 5,000 and damage undertake productive infrastructure and communications in the affected countries. In Africa, a devastating attack with a car bomb destroyed the U.S. embassy in Nairobi (Kenya) and another almost simultaneously damaged the embassy in Tanzania with a balnance Toal of more than 200 dead and thousands injured.
also took out the 1998 World Cup in France where the winner was the local.

1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo, NATO intervened militarily for the first time in its 50 years of existence by air attack on Yugoslavia during 79 days after successive failures diplomats to stop the repression serbia to the ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo, achieving the withdrawal of his troops. The Lewinsky case in U.S. President Bill Clinton, tried politically, is acquitted by the Senate on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in what was known as the Lewinsky case. The acquittal of Clinton in the U.S. Senate does not relieve a major loss of prestige to the conviction of his guilt published in several of the allegations he has faced.

By Kevin Sisro & Lucas Melul

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